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* = mentee or student-author

Listed in reverse chronological order

Leveraging Community Engagement and Human-Centered Design for Health Equity: Developing Multilevel Implementation Strategies to Enhance Adoption of Gender-Affirming Psychotherapy.

Price, M., Mulkern, P.J., Condon, M., Rakhilin, M., Johansen, K., Lyon, A.R., Saldana, L., Pachankis, J., Woodward, S.A., Roeder, K.M., Moran, L.R., Jerskey, B.A.

Additional Materials: Slides

Ethnicity and income as moderators of clinical outcomes of a youth-focused personalizable modular treatment

Cho, E., Chorpita, B. F., Reeder, K., Alegría, M., Price, M. A., The Research Network on Youth Mental Health & Weisz, J. R. (under review)

Gender Identity.

Wei, A.,* Skolnik, A., Mulkern, P.,​* Price, M. (in press)

SAGE International Encyclopedia of Politics and Gender

Context matters: Understanding the role of spatial and temporal factors in LGBTQ+ youth mental health.

Price, M.A., & Mulkern, P.J.* (2025, invited)

Journal of Adolescent Health

Examining racial and ethnic differences in youth psychotherapy treatment engagement and outcomes.

Johansen, K.,* Saran, I., Cho, E. & Weisz, J., & Price, M. (2024)

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology

Gender Affirming Psychotherapy (GAP): Core principles and skills to reduce the mental healthcare "gap" for transgender youth

Price, M.A., Rakhilin, M.*, Johansen, K.*, Collins, E.*, Pachankis, J.E., Lyon, A.R., Allen, M. (2024)

Psychiatric Services

Additional Materials: Podcast

Conceptualizing neighborhood context in youth psychotherapy research.

Patel-Syed, Z., Moise, I. K., Bulotsky-Shearer, R., Price, M., Becker, S.J., Jensen-Doss, A. (2024)

Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

Best Practices for Supporting Transgender Youth in Schools.

Mulkern, P.*, Wei, A. X.*, & Price, M. (2023)

Encyclopedia of Social Work.

Employing dissemination and implementation science to promote mental health equity for transgender youth.

Price, M.A., Barnett, M. L., Cerezo, A., Broder-Fingert, S., & Matsuno, E. (2024)

Child Youth and Services Review.

Treatment personalization can promote mental health equity by addressing stigma.

Price, M. A. (2023)

Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice.​

Structural transphobia is associated with psychological distress and suicidality in a large national sample of transgender adults.

Price, M. A., Hollinsaid, N. L.*, McKetta, S., Mellen, E. J.*, & Rakhilin, M. (2023)

Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.​

MATCHing Treatment to the School Context: School-Based Implementation of Transdiagnostic, Modular Psychotherapy

Harmon, S., Price, M., Wei, M., & Weisz, J. (2023)

Handbook of School Mental Health - Innovations in Science and Practice

Transgender-specific adolescent mental health provider availability is lower in states with more restrictive policies.

Hollinsaid, N. L.*, Price, M. A., & Hatzenbuehler, M. L. (2022)

Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.

Future directions in mental health treatment with stigmatized youth.

Price, M. A. & Hollinsaid, N. L. (2022)

Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.

Structural correlates of mental health support access among sexual minority youth of Color during COVID-19.

Roulston, C.*, McKetta, S.*, Price, M., Fox, K., Schleider, J. (2022)

Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.

A Systematic Narrative Review of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies with Asian American Youth.

Xin, R.*, Fitzpatrick, O.*, Lai, P.H.L.*, Weisz, J., & Price, M. (2022)

Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health.

Therapy experiences of transgender and gender diverse adolescents and their caregivers.

Price, M., Bokhour, E. *, Hollinsaid, N. *, Kaufman, G. *, Sheridan, M. * & Olezeski, C. (2021)

Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health.

Cultural sexism moderates efficacy of psychological therapy for girls: Results from a spatial meta-analysis.

Price, M., McKetta, S., Weisz, J., Ford, J., Lattanner, M., Skov, H.*, Wolock, E.*, & Hatzenbuehler, M. (2021)

Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice.

Additional Materials: Blog Post

Transgender and gender diverse youth's experiences of gender-related adversity.

Price, M., Hollinsaid, N.*, Bokhour, E.*, Johnston, C.*, Kaufman, G.*, Skov, H.*, Sheridan, M.*, & Olezeski, C. (2021)

Child and Adolescent Social Work.

Meta-analysis: Are psychotherapies less effective for Black youth in communities with higher levels of anti-Black racism?

Price, M., Weisz, J., McKetta, S., Ford, J., Lattanner, M., Reid, A., Hollinsaid, N.*, & Hatzenbuehler, M. (2021)

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Additional Materials: Podcast

Evaluating a Modular Approach to Therapy for Children with Anxiety, Depression, Trauma and Conduct Problems (MATCH) in school-based mental health care: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

Harmon, S.L., Price, M., Corteselli, K.A.*, Lee, E.H., Metz, K., Bonadio, F.T., Marchette, L.K., Rodríguez, G.M., Raftery-Helmer, J., Thomassin, K., Bearman, S.K., Jensen-Doss, A., and Weisz, J.R. (2021)

Frontiers Psychology

The effectiveness and acceptability of empirically supported treatments in gender minority youth across four randomized controlled trials.

Hollinsaid, N. L.*, Weisz, J. R., Chorpita, B. F., Skov, H. E., the Research Network on Youth Mental Health, & Price, M. (2020)

Journal of Clinical and Consulting Psychology

Violence against gay men.

Scheer, J., Breslow, A., Esposito, J., Price, M., & Katz, J. (2020)

Violence Against LGBTQ+ Persons: Research, Practice, and Advocacy.

School counselor perspectives on implementing a modular treatment for youth.

Corteselli, K. A.*, Hollinsaid, N. L.*, Harmon, S., Bonadio, F., Westine, M.*, Weisz, J. & Price, M. (2020)

Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Racial dynamics in counselor training: Social interaction model.

Thrower, S., Helms, J., & Price, M. (2020)

The Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

The intersectionality of adolescent discrimination and identity-based bullying: A person-centered examination of mental health and academic functioning in a U.S. High School.

Price, M., Polk, W., Hill, N., Liang, B., & Perella, J. (2019)

Journal of Adolescence

Psychological assessment and treatment of emerging adults exposed to complex trauma

Price, M., Arditi, R.*, Olezeski, C & McMahon, T. (2019)

Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Teacher relationships and adolescents experiencing identity-based victimization: What matters for whom among stigmatized adolescents.

Price, M., Hill, N., Liang, B., & Perella, J. (2019)

School Mental Health

A developmental perspective on victimization faced by gender-nonconforming youth

Price, M., Olezeski, C., McMahon, T., & Hill, N. (2019)

Handbook of Children and Prejudice: Integrating Research, Practice, and Policy

Adolescent profiles of marginalization and connection at school: Relations with academics and mental health.

Polk, W. Hill, N., Price, M., Liang, B., Perella, J., & Savitz-Romer, M. (2018)

Journal of Research on Adolescence

Envisioning a meaningful future and academic engagement: The role of parenting practices and school-based relationships.

Liang, B., Hill, N.E., Price, M., Polk, W., Perella, J., & Savitz-Romer, M. (2018)

Psychology in the Schools

Adolescents’ perceptions of the economy: Its association with academic engagement and the role in school-based and parental relationships.

Hill, N. E., Liang, B., Bravo, D. Y, Price, M., Polk, W., Perella, J., & Savitz-Romer, M. (2018)

Journal of Youth and Adolescence

Equine facilitated therapy for complex trauma (EFT-CT).

Naste, T., Price, M., Karol, J., Martin, L., Murphy, K., Miguel, J., Spinazzola, J. (2017)

Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma

Gender identity

Price, M. & Skolnik, A. (2017)

The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender

The boy who was hit in the face: The role of somatic regulation and trauma processing in treatment of preverbal complex trauma.

Finn, H., Warner, E., Price, M. & Spinazzola, J. (2017)

Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma

Effectiveness of an extended yoga treatment for women with chronic posttraumatic stress disorder.

Price, M., Spinazzola, J., Musicaro, R., Suvak, M., Emerson, D., & van der Kolk, B. (2017)

Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine

Symptom differentiation of anxiety and depression across youth development and clinic-referred/non-referred samples: An examination of competing factor structures of the Child Behavior checklist DSM-Oriented Scales.

Price, M., Higa-McMillan, C., Ebesutani, C. Okamura, K., Nakamura, B., Chorpita, B. F., & Weisz, J. (2013)

Development and Psychopathology

Trauma experience in children and adolescents: An assessment of the effects of trauma type and role of interpersonal proximity.

Price, M., Higa-McMillan, C., Kim, S., & Frueh, B. C. (2013)

Journal of Anxiety Disorders

Prevalence and internalizing problems of ethnoracially diverse victims of traditional and cyber bullying.

Price, M., Chin, M., Higa-McMillan, C., Kim, S., & Frueh, B. C. (2013)

School Mental Health

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