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* = mentee or student-author

Listed in reverse chronological order

Leveraging Community Engagement and Human-Centered Design for Health Equity: Developing Multilevel Implementation Strategies to Enhance Adoption of Gender-Affirming Psychotherapy.

Price, M., Mulkern, P.J., Condon, M., Rakhilin, M., Johansen, K., Lyon, A.R., Saldana, L., Pachankis, J., Woodward, S.A., Roeder, K.M., Moran, L.R., Jerskey, B.A.

Ethnicity and income as moderators of clinical outcomes of a youth-focused personalizable modular treatment

Cho, E., Chorpita, B. F., Reeder, K., Alegría, M., Price, M. A., The Research Network on Youth Mental Health & Weisz, J. R. (under review)

Gender Identity.

Wei, A.,* Skolnik, A., Mulkern, P.,​* Price, M. (in press)

SAGE International Encyclopedia of Politics and Gender

Context matters: Understanding the role of spatial and temporal factors in LGBTQ+ youth mental health.

Price, M.A., & Mulkern, P.J.* (2025, invited)

Journal of Adolescent Health

Examining racial and ethnic differences in youth psychotherapy treatment engagement and outcomes.

Johansen, K.,* Saran, I., Cho, E. & Weisz, J., & Price, M. (2024)

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology

Gender Affirming Psychotherapy (GAP): Core principles and skills to reduce the mental healthcare "gap" for transgender youth

Price, M.A., Rakhilin, M.*, Johansen, K.*, Collins, E.*, Pachankis, J.E., Lyon, A.R., Allen, M. (2024)

Psychiatric Services

Additional Materials: Podcast

Conceptualizing neighborhood context in youth psychotherapy research.

Patel-Syed, Z., Moise, I. K., Bulotsky-Shearer, R., Price, M., Becker, S.J., Jensen-Doss, A. (2024)

Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

Best Practices for Supporting Transgender Youth in Schools.

Mulkern, P.*, Wei, A. X.*, & Price, M. (2023)

Encyclopedia of Social Work.

Employing dissemination and implementation science to promote mental health equity for transgender youth.

Price, M.A., Barnett, M. L., Cerezo, A., Broder-Fingert, S., & Matsuno, E. (2024)

Child Youth and Services Review.

Treatment personalization can promote mental health equity by addressing stigma.

Price, M. A. (2023)

Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice.​

Structural transphobia is associated with psychological distress and suicidality in a large national sample of transgender adults.

Price, M. A., Hollinsaid, N. L.*, McKetta, S., Mellen, E. J.*, & Rakhilin, M. (2023)

Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.​

MATCHing Treatment to the School Context: School-Based Implementation of Transdiagnostic, Modular Psychotherapy

Harmon, S., Price, M., Wei, M., & Weisz, J. (2023)

Handbook of School Mental Health - Innovations in Science and Practice

Transgender-specific adolescent mental health provider availability is lower in states with more restrictive policies.

Hollinsaid, N. L.*, Price, M. A., & Hatzenbuehler, M. L. (2022)

Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.

Future directions in mental health treatment with stigmatized youth.

Price, M. A. & Hollinsaid, N. L. (2022)

Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.

Structural correlates of mental health support access among sexual minority youth of Color during COVID-19.

Roulston, C.*, McKetta, S.*, Price, M., Fox, K., Schleider, J. (2022)

Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.

A Systematic Narrative Review of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies with Asian American Youth.

Xin, R.*, Fitzpatrick, O.*, Lai, P.H.L.*, Weisz, J., & Price, M. (2022)

Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health.

Therapy experiences of transgender and gender diverse adolescents and their caregivers.

Price, M., Bokhour, E. *, Hollinsaid, N. *, Kaufman, G. *, Sheridan, M. * & Olezeski, C. (2021)

Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health.

Cultural sexism moderates efficacy of psychological therapy for girls: Results from a spatial meta-analysis.

Price, M., McKetta, S., Weisz, J., Ford, J., Lattanner, M., Skov, H.*, Wolock, E.*, & Hatzenbuehler, M. (2021)

Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice.

Transgender and gender diverse youth's experiences of gender-related adversity.

Price, M., Hollinsaid, N.*, Bokhour, E.*, Johnston, C.*, Kaufman, G.*, Skov, H.*, Sheridan, M.*, & Olezeski, C. (2021)

Child and Adolescent Social Work.

Meta-analysis: Are psychotherapies less effective for Black youth in communities with higher levels of anti-Black racism?

Price, M., Weisz, J., McKetta, S., Ford, J., Lattanner, M., Reid, A., Hollinsaid, N.*, & Hatzenbuehler, M. (2021)

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Evaluating a Modular Approach to Therapy for Children with Anxiety, Depression, Trauma and Conduct Problems (MATCH) in school-based mental health care: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

Harmon, S.L., Price, M., Corteselli, K.A.*, Lee, E.H., Metz, K., Bonadio, F.T., Marchette, L.K., Rodríguez, G.M., Raftery-Helmer, J., Thomassin, K., Bearman, S.K., Jensen-Doss, A., and Weisz, J.R. (2021)

Frontiers Psychology

The effectiveness and acceptability of empirically supported treatments in gender minority youth across four randomized controlled trials.

Hollinsaid, N. L.*, Weisz, J. R., Chorpita, B. F., Skov, H. E., the Research Network on Youth Mental Health, & Price, M. (2020)

Journal of Clinical and Consulting Psychology

Violence against gay men.

Scheer, J., Breslow, A., Esposito, J., Price, M., & Katz, J. (2020)

Violence Against LGBTQ+ Persons: Research, Practice, and Advocacy.

School counselor perspectives on implementing a modular treatment for youth.

Corteselli, K. A.*, Hollinsaid, N. L.*, Harmon, S., Bonadio, F., Westine, M.*, Weisz, J. & Price, M. (2020)

Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Racial dynamics in counselor training: Social interaction model.

Thrower, S., Helms, J., & Price, M. (2020)

The Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

The intersectionality of adolescent discrimination and identity-based bullying: A person-centered examination of mental health and academic functioning in a U.S. High School.

Price, M., Polk, W., Hill, N., Liang, B., & Perella, J. (2019)

Journal of Adolescence

Psychological assessment and treatment of emerging adults exposed to complex trauma

Price, M., Arditi, R.*, Olezeski, C & McMahon, T. (2019)

Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Teacher relationships and adolescents experiencing identity-based victimization: What matters for whom among stigmatized adolescents.

Price, M., Hill, N., Liang, B., & Perella, J. (2019)

School Mental Health

A developmental perspective on victimization faced by gender-nonconforming youth

Price, M., Olezeski, C., McMahon, T., & Hill, N. (2019)

Handbook of Children and Prejudice: Integrating Research, Practice, and Policy

Adolescent profiles of marginalization and connection at school: Relations with academics and mental health.

Polk, W. Hill, N., Price, M., Liang, B., Perella, J., & Savitz-Romer, M. (2018)

Journal of Research on Adolescence

Envisioning a meaningful future and academic engagement: The role of parenting practices and school-based relationships.

Liang, B., Hill, N.E., Price, M., Polk, W., Perella, J., & Savitz-Romer, M. (2018)

Psychology in the Schools

Adolescents’ perceptions of the economy: Its association with academic engagement and the role in school-based and parental relationships.

Hill, N. E., Liang, B., Bravo, D. Y, Price, M., Polk, W., Perella, J., & Savitz-Romer, M. (2018)

Journal of Youth and Adolescence

Equine facilitated therapy for complex trauma (EFT-CT).

Naste, T., Price, M., Karol, J., Martin, L., Murphy, K., Miguel, J., Spinazzola, J. (2017)

Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma

Gender identity

Price, M. & Skolnik, A. (2017)

The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender

The boy who was hit in the face: The role of somatic regulation and trauma processing in treatment of preverbal complex trauma.

Finn, H., Warner, E., Price, M. & Spinazzola, J. (2017)

Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma

Effectiveness of an extended yoga treatment for women with chronic posttraumatic stress disorder.

Price, M., Spinazzola, J., Musicaro, R., Suvak, M., Emerson, D., & van der Kolk, B. (2017)

Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine

Symptom differentiation of anxiety and depression across youth development and clinic-referred/non-referred samples: An examination of competing factor structures of the Child Behavior checklist DSM-Oriented Scales.

Price, M., Higa-McMillan, C., Ebesutani, C. Okamura, K., Nakamura, B., Chorpita, B. F., & Weisz, J. (2013)

Development and Psychopathology

Trauma experience in children and adolescents: An assessment of the effects of trauma type and role of interpersonal proximity.

Price, M., Higa-McMillan, C., Kim, S., & Frueh, B. C. (2013)

Journal of Anxiety Disorders

Prevalence and internalizing problems of ethnoracially diverse victims of traditional and cyber bullying.

Price, M., Chin, M., Higa-McMillan, C., Kim, S., & Frueh, B. C. (2013)

School Mental Health

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