Join us! Apply to be a research assistant:

The Affirm Lab (PI: Maggi Price, PhD) at the Boston College School of Social Work is looking for high-level research assistants (ideally graduate students or exceptional undergraduates).
Our research focuses on improving support for youth with stigmatized identities (e.g., transgender youth, youth of Color). Our current studies (described on our research page) focus on supporting transgender youth: Improving Methods of Providing Affirming Care to Transgender Students (IMPACTS) and Gender-Affirming Psychotherapy Study (GAPS). RA responsibilities are mainly reviewing and transcribing recorded focus group meetings. Applicants should be extremely detail-oriented, practice good time management, and be able to efficiently communicate with team members. This position is completely remote and flexible in timing/scheduling.​
Application Instructions:​ Please send the following application materials to affirmlabbc@gmail.com:
CV or resume highlighting any research experience you may have
Cover letter describing
Your qualifications
Why you are interested in the position
Your long-term professional interests
Writing sample
Compensation: This is an unpaid position. However, there is a possibility that paid positions will open up in the near future and you will be the preferential candidate. Nonetheless, you will learn about qualitative research by attending team meetings and working on the qualitative coding process. Having the experience of working with an effective research team will also provide you with perspectives on your future career directions.
Requirements: Applicants must be available for a minimum of 16 hours/week for at least two academic semesters.