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Gender and Sexuality Alliances (or GSAs) are student-led clubs that often focus on creating safe and LGBTQ-inclusive schools. Note that "GSA" used to stand for "Gay-Straight Alliance," but the name has been updated to explicitly include "gender," reflecting the inclusion of transgender and nonbinary students. These clubs provide space for students of all genders and sexualities to receive support, socialize, find community, and organize together. Not all transgender and/or nonbinary students may want to join. Some may not be ready to be out in a group, can’t stay late to attend meetings, or may simply be uninterested in clubs broadly.

Examples: Rose started a GSA at her school and asked Mr. Yoshida to supervise. GSA is a place where Rose and their friends can be together and be themselves without fear of being judged.

Why it’s important to know this: LGBTQ+ students who attend schools with GSAs experience less bullying and an increased sense of safety at school. These students miss fewer days of school due to safety concerns and have a greater sense of belonging at school (Sourcesourcesourcesource). 

The positive impact that GSAs have on student attendance may be even higher for transgender students than that of their LGB cisgender peers (Source). Research has also shown that greater student engagement in GSAs predicts greater student empowerment, including increased perceived peer validation, self-efficacy to promote social justice, and hope. Greater engagement, through the increase in hope, also predicts a reduction in depression and anxiety symptoms (Source).

GLSEN offers guidance for starting and supporting a GSA here.

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