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Affirmed, as in affirmed name, affirmed gender, affirmed pronouns, and so on, is an adjective that refers to an individual’s true gender or identity, as opposed to the name or pronouns that they were assigned at birth. Use the word “affirmed” instead of...



“Ally” is a broad term for someone who supports marginalized groups. Relating to the LGBTQ+ community, allies include both heterosexual and cisgender people who support equality.



“Anti-trans” is used to describe attitudes, practices, or bills that do not affirm transgender or nonbinary individuals’ genders. There is currently an unprecedented number of bills being introduced and passed to prevent transgender people from receiving...



In the context of sex and gender, the binary refers to the classification of people as either “male” or "female", or man or woman. This binary was created to classify people into male or female based on the biological characteristics in most (but not all)...



A “binder” is an undergarment typically worn by transmasculine individuals to minimize the appearance of having breasts and decrease chest-related dysphoria. It is important that people follow safety guidelines, such as not wearing binders over 8-12...



Cisgender (or “cis” for short) is an adjective that refers to individuals whose gender identity that align with their sex assigned at birth.


(noun, verb)

A deadname refers to an individual’s name from a prior time in their life. Deadnaming occurs when someone, whether intentionally or unintentionally, refers to a transgender and/or nonbinary person with their deadname.



Gender and Sexuality Alliances (or GSAs) are student-led clubs that often focus on creating safe and LGBTQ-inclusive schools. Note that "GSA" used to stand for "Gay-Straight Alliance," but the name has been updated to explicitly include "gender," reflecting...

Gender dysphoria


Gender dysphoria is a clinical term referring to psychological distress experienced by some transgender or nonbinary people. It occurs when someone’s sex assigned at birth differs from their gender identity, and that causes significant distress or...

Gender euphoria


Gender euphoria refers to the powerfully positive emotions that can result from living in one’s affirmed gender.

Gender expression


Gender expression refers to characteristics in personality, appearance, and behavior that are designated as masculine or feminine, in a given culture and historical period. Gender expression does not necessarily “match” gender identity. For example, someone...

Gender fluid


Genderfluid is an adjective that refers to individuals who do not identify with a single fixed gender. A student may be genderfluid in their expression but not identity, or in identity but not expression - or both expression and identity might be fluid. Some...

Gender identity


Gender identity refers to a person's own view of their gender. Gender has three primary components: (1) physical, (2) social/cultural, and (3) internal/sensate.

Gender-affirming care


Gender-affirming care (also known as gender-affirmative or trans-affirming care) encompasses a range of social, psychological, behavioral, and medical interventions designed to support and affirm an individual's gender identity.



"HRT” stands for “hormone replacement therapy,” a gender-affirming treatment that allows transgender or nonbinary individuals medically transition to feel more at home in their bodies. Those taking testosterone (or “T”) may grow more facial or body hair...



Intersex is an adjective and umbrella term referring to individuals with chromosomes, genitalia, or reproductive organs that do not fit into a male/female sex binary. About 1%, or 1 in 100 of the human population has intersex traits. Intersex people may have...



“LGBTQ+” is an umbrella acronym that encompasses the spectrum of sexual orientation and gender identities. It stands for “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and/or questioning, plus."



“Misgendering”, whether intentionally or unintentionally, means referring to a transgender or nonbinary person with pronouns or honorifics that do not align with their gender identity.



A nonbinary individual’s gender identity is not exclusively man or woman. In other words, their identity is outside of the two ‘binary’ genders. About 1 in 3 nonbinary individuals are also transgender. Although Western societies typically sort people...


(adj, verb)

In LGBTQ communities, “out” is used in a variety of ways. “Coming out” refers to a person’s process of disclosing their sexual orientation or gender identity with another person. “Being outed” refers to a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity...


(verb, adj)

“Passing” occurs when a member of the LGBTQ+ community presents as cisgender or heterosexual by conforming to societal roles in their physical appearance and/or behaviors. Many people may try to pass in anti-LGBTQ environments to ensure their safety.

Puberty blockers


Puberty blockers block the hormones — testosterone and estrogen — that lead to puberty-related changes. They pause puberty for as long as the person is taking the medication; they cannot be taken after puberty or undo the effects of puberty that has...



Queer is an umbrella term that encompasses a range of marginalized sexual orientations and gender identities. Queer can be used to describe people who are not cisgender, not straight, or neither cisgender nor straight.

Sex assigned at birth


Sex assigned at birth is the sex one is assigned by a doctor pre- or at birth based on the appearance of external genitalia. Sex classifications include male, female, or intersex.

Sexual orientation


Sexual orientation is a component of identity that describes one's romantic, sexual, and/or emotional attraction to other people. Remember that sexual orientation is different from gender identity. Being a transgender and/or nonbinary person does not...

Title IX


“Title IX”, short for “Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972”, protects people from discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity in any education program receiving federal assistance.



“Transfeminine,” or “transfemme” for short, is an adjective that refers to individuals who were assigned male at birth or are intersex but consider their gender identity to be more feminine. They may be a binary transgender woman, but not always...



Transgender (or 'trans' for short) is an adjective that refers to individuals whose gender identity differs from that associated with their sex assigned at birth. It is important to use the term 'transgender' as an adjective rather than a noun (such as 'a...



Transitioning refers to processes that some transgender and nonbinary people progress through when they shift toward a gender that differs from the one associated with their sex assigned at birth. The length, scope, and process of transition are unique to...



“Transmasculine,” or “transmasc” for short, is an adjective that refers to individuals who were assigned female at birth or are intersex but consider their gender identity to be more masculine. They may be a binary transgender man, but not always...



“Transphobes” refer to people who hold and act upon transphobic, or anti-trans beliefs. Transphobia is the dislike or strong prejudice against transgender and nonbinary people. Transphobes may engage in harassment or discrimination that actively...

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